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From home with style


We're getting pretty good at this remote work thing, and it looks like virtual meetings will be here to stay. Are you looking for a change of scenery? Instead of a blank wall or a messy office, why not change things up during your Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype calls? Customize your look with a fancy new virtual background. 

Do you prefer illustration, or photography? Feel free to download and use these high-resolution images celebrating lovely Madison, Wisconsin. 

Madison Wisconsin capital skyline illustration 

Madison Wisconsin capital skyline illustration

Madison Wisconsin capital skyline photo

Or if you’re looking for something more branded, let us know, and we’ll whip up a custom background just for you!

  Madison Wisconsin capital skyline jamgd

Just add your new image to Zoom and you’re all set. Make sure to find some decent lighting, put your webcam near eye level, and look at the camera—not the screen. Stay connected and stay safe!