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Our Team

meet the team


Julie Mueller – Founder, Partner

Julie, the founding partner, aspires to offer big agency skills at a fraction of the cost, deliver results in a fraction of the time, and bring results that blow what other firms and agencies do out of the water. She is an accomplished graphic designer with numerous ADDY awards and a long list of ever-loyal clients. Her previous corporate experience includes designing for Bell Labs and Roundy’s. An Ironman and avid athlete, Julie holds a BFA from UW-Oshkosh, with an emphasis in her first love: photography.


Jennifer Weitzman – Partner

Jennifer, a partner for 20+ years, brings a passion and a proven ability to develop concepts with complex messages and identities that resonate with a client’s target audiences. Her prior experience includes agency work as a graphic designer for Cunningham & Welch, a printing background working in IT/technical support and design for Kramer Printing, and corporate experience as the art department manager for Newell Office Products (a division of Newell-Rubbermaid). A woman who enjoys the great outdoors and keeping up with her boys, Jennifer earned her BFA from UW-Eau Claire, with an emphasis in graphic design.


Cicely Combs – Graphic designer

Cicely is a life-long illustrator and inspired graphic designer. Her specialties include lettering, infographics, and hand-drawn and digital illustrations—unique forms that distinguish clients from their competitors and help tell the brand’s story. Cicely’s illustrations have appeared on store shelves, in local magazines, and as part of a nationwide grade school reading curriculum. She holds an Associate’s degree in graphic design and illustration, and a Bachelor’s in art education from the UW-Madison.